Simple usual Linux commands!

  1. Basic Ubuntu Command may all linux user know
  2. 1.😎sudo apt-get update: to update the cache
  3. 2.sudo apt-get upgrade: to upgrade package
  4. 2.sudo apt-get autoclean: to cleaning the breaking package
  5. 3.sudo apt-get autoremove: to removing the the breaking packges
  6. 4.pwd :to know the present working directory
  7. go in the user directory
  8. address_of_a_directory:to change present directory
  9. get the contents info of thepresent directory
  10. 8.mkdir dir_name:to make a directory inside of present directory with name dir_name
  11. 9.touch test_file:to make a empty file inside of present directory with name test_file
  12. 10.sudo su:to change in super user to change protected files andd directory
  13. 11.rm -r file_name:to remove a file with name file_name
  14. 12.rm -r dir_name:to remove a directory
  15. 13.sudo chmod+xug file/dir:to change mode of a file or a directory
  16. 14.sudo chown        :to change file or directory ownership
  17. 15.sudo nautilus :to open,edit and delete of protected files directory etc😤!!caution
  18. -A:to knpow about running process
  19. 17.kill process_no:to kill a process
  20. -l:to know about details about a file or a directory
  21. 19.clear :to clear terminal screen
  22. 20.sudo apt-get install package_name:to installing a package
  23. 21.sudo apt-get remove package_name:to uninstall a package
  24. 22.passwd:to changing user password
  25. 23.cp -T source_file dest_file_name:to copy a file
  26. 24.whoami:who is the current user
  27. 25.command --help:to know more about a command

  28. --------------------------------Thank You---------------------------------------------------------
  29.                                           🤜
  31. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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