
Showing posts from February, 2020

Corona virus , conspiracy theory and effects

The COVID-19 :The recent Corona virus tragedy in China proposing to ask some questions. 1. Was this a bio weapon?If this is Bio Weapon then who made this? Is it china itself ? Was it a accidental failure or intentional to reduce the population? Was it sprade by other country to get business profit?   It is sure that it is not natural virus which get evolved and become deadly.Is there any past incident where a natural virus get evolved and become deadly in this short time? Now everyone try to find out antidote of this flue .Due to Corona effect many person infected and already many one lost their life(Actually we may not have proper figure .I am saying this as we all know how the whistle blower Chinese doctor Li Wenliang is treated by chinese government and also how do chinese reporters get missing. This incidents may be questioning authenticity of the death and infected persons figures. ),many one lost their job and actually they suffering many many problems lik...