Corona virus , conspiracy theory and effects
The COVID-19 :The recent Corona virus tragedy in China proposing to ask some questions. 1. Was this a bio weapon?If this is Bio Weapon then who made this? Is it china itself ? Was it a accidental failure or intentional to reduce the population? Was it sprade by other country to get business profit?
It is sure that it is not natural virus which get evolved and become deadly.Is there any past incident where a natural virus get evolved and become deadly in this short time? Now everyone try to find out antidote of this flue .Due to Corona effect many person infected and already many one lost their life(Actually we may not have proper figure .I am saying this as we all know how the whistle blower Chinese doctor Li Wenliang is treated by chinese government and also how do chinese reporters get missing. This incidents may be questioning authenticity of the death and infected persons figures. ),many one lost their job and actually they suffering many many problems like resource shortage due to lock down of cities .They are get angry on the communist chinese government i.e political crisis.This situation is very much similar to Soviet Union collapse. Many persons are shifted from their own land to other place due to effect of Chernobyl Accident. So those man have got angry for their government and later they demanded for their own country and effectively many new countries occured in the map. Once former USSR chairman Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev the main reason of collapsing USSR was Chernobyl accident .
Is this not very same situation? Possibly it is created by other country to down chinese economy and giving boost to collapse China like USSR?We could summarize today's world is USA based .There is very much possibility China could control world economy in future.So we may believe there may be present a intentional ping to negative Chinese economy by other countries . We don't have proper proofs or documents.No one ever claim their fault even they are making this virus by mistake as today biological weapon is illegal although some countries have ongoing projects in behind the international law. So those countries never give clear statement about this matter .We may have made step to new kind of proxy war.We may get all answers after WHO's investigation.Now we only have this kind conspiracy theories.I wish China would come out quickly from this situation.
It is also a tough time for many Indian business sectors which are heavily dependent on china.But it is good opportunity to develop our own production which also create many many jobs if our government takes initial step.This job sector may giving boost to indian economy in forward direction in future as well as making self dependent nation.But initially indian GDP goes down due to shortage of Chinese goods.Many people may be lost their job due to Chinese corona virus outbreak. Let's see what happens .
Now it hit on India .India have total 114(Ministry of health and family welfare) cases with two death. It seem that India taken control of that epidemic. But if you see the Italy's data the beast was starting in same way.The peoples don't taking it seriously until it will taking its peak state.When It will be uncontrollable into this country. We all know about our current health system.If we don't take precautions like social distance,hand washing,no gathering otherwise it will be big chance to reduce the indian population.So you guys are requested try to keep in your home without urgency,carry hand sanitization(60%-70% alcohol based. If you dont get hand sanitizer then make it with propanol and water. ), making at least 1 meter distance from other persion in street or any public place. It is the only way to beat up COVID-19.You all are know that it is vulnerable for those who have less immunity i.e our parents so we need to take precautions for them..I wish all be safe....