Fortran Tutorials with large numbers of examples



                                                             Fortran Examples

                                                                 Bapon Kar

Exploring Fortran: 

The Pioneering Language of Scientific Computing 

 Introduction: Fortran, short for "Formula Translation," stands as one of the earliest high-level programming languages, specifically designed for numerical and scientific computation. Developed in the 1950s by IBM engineer John Backus and his team, Fortran revolutionized the field of computing by providing a more efficient and accessible means of expressing mathematical algorithms for complex calculations. Over the decades, Fortran has evolved significantly, with modern versions offering advanced features while retaining its core principles of performance and reliability.

 Historical Context: Fortran emerged during a time when computers were rapidly advancing, yet programming was primarily done in low-level languages like assembly or machine code. Recognizing the need for a higher-level language tailored to scientific computation, Backus and his team set out to develop Fortran. The language's success was immediate, and it quickly gained popularity among scientists, engineers, and researchers worldwide. 

 Key Features and Contributions:

1. Simplicity and Expressiveness: Fortran was designed to closely resemble mathematical notation, making it intuitive for scientists and mathematicians to translate their formulas into code. 

 2. Efficiency: Early Fortran compilers were highly efficient, producing code that could rival hand-written assembly in terms of speed and optimization. 

 3. Portability: Fortran introduced the concept of machine-independent programming, allowing users to write code that could be easily ported across different computer architectures. 

 4. Standardization: The development of Fortran led to the establishment of formal language standards, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across different implementations.

 Evolution and Modernization: Fortran has seen several major revisions over the years, each introducing new features and enhancements. Fortran 77, released in 1977, standardized many language features and introduced structured programming constructs. Subsequent versions, including Fortran 90, 95, 2003, 2008,  2018 and 2023, brought further improvements such as dynamic memory allocation, object-oriented programming support, and enhanced parallelism. 

 Current Relevance: Despite the emergence of newer programming languages, Fortran remains widely used in scientific and engineering fields where performance and numerical accuracy are paramount. It continues to power critical applications in areas such as weather forecasting, computational physics, aerospace engineering, and high-performance computing. 

 Conclusion: Fortran's enduring legacy as the pioneering language of scientific computing underscores its importance in shaping the modern computational landscape. From its humble beginnings as a tool for mathematical expression to its status as a cornerstone of scientific research and engineering, Fortran continues to inspire and empower generations of programmers and scientists to push the boundaries of computational possibility. As technology advances, Fortran stands ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow's scientific endeavors with its unmatched blend of efficiency, reliability, and versatility.

Test your fortran code from here.

Here I am presenting all of my Fortran programs :

1. write a program to read the radius of a circle and compute its area and circumference .

2. Write a program to convert Celsius temperature to fahrenheit.

3. Write aprogram to convert pounds to kilogram.

4. write a program to evalute the following expression $$w=\frac{a}{s(s-a)}$$ $$x=wa$$ $$t=\frac{x}{s^(-a)}$$

5. Write a program to evalute T from $$T=.0092\cdot 2a \cdot [log(4a^{\frac{2}{b}})-log(\sqrt{2-L})]+0.004 \cdot [a^2 \cdot (\sqrt{2-L} +0.45 \cdot b]$$ where given a=15.2, b=10.2, L=1.2

6. Given the x,y coordinates of a point write a program to find its r,$\theta$ coordinates \(r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2},\theta= tan^{-1}(\frac{y}{x})\)

7. Given a five digit number write a program which will reverse the digit and print it.

8. Given values for a,b,c and d and a set of values for the variable x evaluate the function \(f(x)\). defiend by \(f(x)=ax^2+bx+c\) for \( x\lt d \), \( f(x)=0 \) for \(x=d\) ,\(f(x)=-ax^2+bx-c \) for \( x\gt d \).

9. Write a program which will evaluate the function f for the set of values of x(0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3) !and tabulate the results Where $$f(x) = 1+(x^2)/(2\times1)+(x^4)/(4\times 3 \times 2 \times 1)-50\times {\sin}^2{x}+\sqrt{4-x^2}$$

10. Octal to Decimal Conversion

11. Checking Palindrome number

12. Finding position of a 2D pont among 4 quadrunt

13. Newton Raphson Method to finding root of equation \(e^x = 2x + 1\)

14. Finding determinant of any square matrix.

15. Generating Prime number in between two range.

16. Small Computer Simulation Program

17. Roman number to Decimal number conversion.

18. Hexadecimal to Decimal number conversion.

19. Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion

20. Runge Kutta Method to solve a differential equation.

21.Euler method to solve a differential equation.

22. Newton's Bi-section method to finding root of a equation.

23. Finding Mean , Median and Standard Deviation.



26. Finding root of a cubic equation.

27. Generating Fibonacci Number

28.EULER'S METHOD TO SOLVING A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION BY NUMERICAL METHOD where $\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{1}{2} (y^3 - \frac{y}{x})$ given y(1) = 1 and solve for x = 1.6 .

29. Runge Kutta Method to solve differential equation by numerical method. $\frac{dy}{dx} = y-x$ solve y(0.1) and y(0.2) where y(0) = 2

There has lot of code remainig to be added.

I will add soon or check out this blog.

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